Introducing Native Numbers

Number Sense is the foundation of math competency, and has been widely cited as one of the most critical early learning skills for young children.

Unfortunately, most kids only get a shallow and incomplete exposure to number – stopping at awareness and simple counting.

Kids are capable of so much more, if we give them the chance.

Research studies with young children have shown that a solid and deep exposure to basic number concepts can have a huge impact on their ability to learn later math skills. In one such controlled study in the 1990′s, a group of children who were disadvantaged and falling behind their peers were exposed to a focused Number Sense intervention over the course of a year.

By the end of the year, the children in the study had pulled ahead of their relatively advantaged peers who did not have the same intervention. More importantly, these children were still ahead of their peers another year later (without any additional intervention). Number Sense is not just helpful, it is foundational – and having it (or not) can literally set children on a different learning trajectory.

Why Number Sense is so Important, and How Native Numbers builds the foundation


Now kids can learn, understand, and master numbers natively.

Native Numbers gives early learners a rich introduction to early numbers. The app starts by familiarizing kids with numbers in multiple representations (number rods, tallies, sets of animals, numerals, words, etc) – then it goes beyond awareness to help kids learn matching, relationships, order, and other core Number Sense concepts and skills. Finally, it presents these concepts in an engaging and increasingly paced manner that helps each child confidently progress from initial awareness, to understanding, to native mastery.

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